
X-Press Flicks The Switch

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After 29 years of wondrous weekly print publishing, we here at X-Press are proud and excited to announce the beginning of a new era. The beginning of a great adventure, if you will, and we’d love for you to come along with us.

And so it is, that from Wednesday, September 3, the weekly X-Press Magazine App will go live and digital, giving you your usual weekly dose plus 24/7 availability and knowledge of all that makes for Entertainment In Perth. Our incredibly comprehensive mag app will be available to download from Apple Store, Google

Play and Amazon and, of course, you can always check in online at
Then, from Wednesday, October 1, the weekly print edition of X-Press will evolve into a bumper magazine available on the first Wednesday of every month. For features, reviews, music, arts, fashion, film and more,

X-Press will have you both informed and in form via online, mobile, social media and print.
Alive, anew and interactive. We were there for you then and we’re here (there and everywhere) for you now and the future.

We’re X-Press.

Bob Gordon
Managing Editor

