Win! Runt movie tickets

Craig Silvey’s beloved best-selling novel leaps onto the big screen in a charming new Australian family movie that is filmed here in WA. Runt is the heartfelt and hilarious tale of eleven-year-old Annie Shearer and her best friend Runt, an adopted stray dog with remarkable abilities. In a bid to save their family farm, the two aspire to compete in the Agility Course Championships at the prestigious Krumpets Dog Show in London, whilst overcoming hurdles, obstacles and nefarious villains.

We are delighted to have five family (2 x adults + 2 x children) passes to give away to Runt, in Cinemas September 19.

To WIN email us here at with Runt in the subject line, with your postal address and phone number in the copy, then tag the mate you will take in the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!

 Competition closes Friday September 20, at 5pm. You must be a WA resident and be able to attend the event.
