Nighttime, My Time
Capitol Records
It’s been a long journey for Sky Ferreira. Picked up at the age of 15 in hopes of being the next Britney Spears, Ferreira released two EPs, was featured in Calvin Klein’s CK ONE advertising campaign and even appeared in an Adidas commercial alongside Big Sean and Snoop Dogg. However, over the last few years, Ferreira has taken a darker turn, adding grunge elements to her sound, engaging in disputes with her record label and even posing half-naked for her debut LP’s cover art. The end result, however, is a hit.
Nighttime, My Time explores deeper themes, flows perfectly, and has an atmospheric grip. The lyrics may be repetitive, cliché and sound like they were taken straight out of an anxious and neglected teenage girl’s diary; but they’re catchy and engaging. The LP starts weak with the Lady Gaga-like Boys and the forgettable Ain’t Your Right; however once the booming synth kicks in for 24 Hours, you’ll easily loose yourself in nostalgia as Madonna-like sounds flood the speakers.
Sky Ferreira may not be the mainstream-pop artist she was once chosen to be, but she’s still an incredible addition to the pop genre and has taken a turn for the better as she fights for her musical creativity.