All those in the arts and entertainment industries take note. Michael Tucak is an Independent Candidate running for one of six Upper House Seats in Saturday’s WA State Election. Michael is a creative industries lawyer with a strong background in Perth’s arts and music scene. He has been a board member of RTR FM 92.1, WA Music and FringeWorld and is currently on the boards of the Chamber of Arts and Culture (WA) while also running P.U.L.P. – a Pop Up Legal Practice that provides free legal advice to artists and non-profit organisations in the creative sector. BRAYDEN EDWARDS caught up with Michael Tucak about what he is offering the electorate on Saturday’s election.
Micheal is hoping to bring his experience, passion and vision for WA into the Senate in the next term of government. He is committed to creating opportunities for new jobs, public transport, urban planning, renewable energy and education. He is not aligned to any other political party which allows him to provide a fresh and innovative voice in Parliament.
What can your policies offer for musicians or people working in the creative arts sector?
I believe creativity, arts and culture are essential to WA’s development, and must be properly supported if we are to create new opportunities, solutions in a rapidly changing world. We’re historically a mining state but we need to start to ‘mine’ our creativity. It is a massive strength unfortunately neglected or left at the edges to fend for itself. I believe in investing in creativity. Policies like Communities, Startups, Education and even Energy are based on a more creative, innovative approach, so across the board my policies put creativity and arts right at the core.
What do you think the government can do to enhance innovation in the arts industry?
It begins with embracing a more creative approach within government itself, and for example departments working together to identify and realise areas that arts and creativity being value; for example the health sector, research and science, education – even planning and transport. Without creativity there can be no innovation, and no change. Government must also as a priority immediately restore arts funding. Lastly, it comes down to an understanding of how valuable creativity including arts, are to us all, so government properly valuing creativity (and communities that generate it) will yield these results.
A lot of these policies are going to require the government’s financial backing. Although you may argue they will benefit the state economy in the long term, how will you present this case to the government, Labor or Liberal, when they are both pledging to bring the state back from a huge deficit?
I offer a “creative, constructive, community” approach, not a ‘horse trading’ model of swapping my vote on a specific issue for something I want – mine is a “value add”, to work with the party in power to constructively and collaboratively identify ‘win wins’ to their existing policy, how to improve it, and do what the arts has been doing forever, looking for better solutions or outcomes rather than the traditional ‘argument back and forth’ of government. I also believe in drawing in the community’s expertise and ideas on all relevant areas such as health workers and patients on health sector reform, to identify these better solutions in a way that enjoys support from the electorate. I have experience with doing this as a lawyer helping solve disputes, and as a Board member. I want to improve the outcomes for WA in the Upper House this way, not simply argue and trade off votes.
I understand you have not done a preference deal with any other parties. Does that mean the only way you can get a vote is if people vote below the line?
Yes, you will only find a box for me “below the line” so it means you can vote the way you want your vote to go, by numbering 1 to 45, which will only take you 4 to 5 minutes, and my “How To Vote” suggests ways to do it. It is worth your time to invest in a vote that you control the outcome of, not what the party’s preference deals have decided for you. It only takes as long as a good song, so I’m suggesting hum your current fave tune as you do 1 to 45. With preference deals, fake candidates and policies like arts missing from most parties, it’s worth it!
For more information about Michael Tucak and his pitch to WA voters go to