Distorted, noisy and intense; Jamie Hutchings has evolved from his time in Bluebottle Kiss to form new beginnings in Infinity Broke.
It’s not easy to listen to, it’s not catchy, but it is impactful. With continual contrasting layers, it’s hard to pinpoint specifics of each track as a mesh of garage-style instruments and musty sound effects flow through the speakers; but it’s fair to say Infinity Broke has achieved a unique arrangement full of intrigue, groove, swagger and mystery.
Built around thumping tom-fills, clangy guitar tremolos and scratchy vocals; each track delves into the unknown of musical capabilities providing surprises each time around. The four-piece have highlighted the importance of listening and depth in modern music. That being said, none of the tracks are really memorable.
Infinity Broke have achieved exactly what they set out to do in generating profound tracks that stand out amongst popular music codes; but at the end of the day the record itself lacks any repeatable tracks that you’d keep in your music collection.