This last month’s weather has been pretty sporadic in comparison to May’s in past years. Generally, the first week of winter has seven days of overcast and raining as we rug up and stay in. In tribute to this year’s slightly concerning warmer weather, here are five songs to match this week’s forecast.
Thursday, May 31
Weather Forecast – A high of 20 degrees followed by a crisp 8 degrees in the evening. Expect thunderstorms, rain and lightning.
We chose Same Same by Winston Surfshirt
It’s Thursday, we’re cold, it’s raining and we’re feeling pretty miserable as we trench to our 9 to 5 jobs. There’s a shimmer of hope that is this weekend’s additional day but there’s two cold days still standing between us. It’s hard to get out of bed in this weather. Songs like Same Same were written to cure Thursdayitis. There’s just enough pep in the melody to brighten your mood without it being overly optimistic that you feel like you’re putting it on.
Friday, June 1
Weather Forecast – A high of 18 degrees and a dismal low of 7 degrees in the evening. Only partly cloudy.
We chose Viceroy by Violent Soho
Friday is a testament to the old saying, ‘glass half full’. With only partly cloudy weather predicted, I imagine that cascading light will greet you on your lunch breaks as you start to feel excited by this weekend’s festivities. It’ll be sunny when you need it and cloudy when it doesn’t matter (because who needs sunshine outside when you’re sitting at a desk working). The intro to Viceroy is quirky and the bass line will have you chirping all the way to the printer with just enough guttural vocals to help you get through the last working day of the week.
Saturday, June 2
Weather Forecast – A high of 19 degrees with a 7 degree drop in the evening. Not a cloud in the sky.
We chose All The Time by Bahamas
You did it. You made it to the weekend. You go you. The first day of a long weekend always feels like the perfect day to be lazy, saying “I’ve still got two days to do all those things that I have to do this weekend.” With sun on the forecast, it’ll be outdoor activities followed by cold beers in the evening. All The Time felt very appropriate. The slow drawl of Bahamas’ vocals in the chorus with his bashful romantic lyrics will be exactly how it’ll feel as we enjoy our last few sunny days before Winter really sets in.
Sunday, June 3
Weather Forecast – A high of 21 degrees followed by another 7-degree evening. Mostly sunny (or partly cloudy) sky expected.
We chose Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
It’s Sunday! In Winter! And it’s sunny! And there’s still so much weekend left. That is what dreams are made of…(no refunds due to bad puns). Dreams has the familiar and comforting sound of an old friend that you only see at a birthday party once a year. You love it and every time you hear it you think, I should listen to it more but it rarely makes it all the way to the playlist. The ideal Sunday warm weather song with its glimmer of nostalgia.
Monday, June 4
Weather Forecast – A high of 22 degrees with a 14-degree evening but lots and lots of rain scheduled.
We chose Tomorrow by Shakey Graves
By this point of the long weekend, we’ll all be rushing to do all those jobs we said we were going to do when we thought we had all that extra time. We just need a friend to keep us company while it rains outside. A song to support us as we battle the washing and all the mundane tasks usually reserved for a Sunday. Graves is your friend.