
Do Business Calling Systems Need 5G Technology?

Performing and efficiently managing communication has been named one of the key aspects of managing a business optimally with sustainability. But, how will businesses across the globe adapt to the faster 5G technology enhancements, or do they matter in the business world regarding managing communications? Does 5G Communication aid Business Phone Systems or cripple them?

Essential Features of Business Communications Systems

A large or even a small business with multiple teams needs sorted phone systems to help them avoid typical pitfalls. For instance, when you get inquiries on your business phone system all day, how do you make or receive calls that get you the funding opportunity?

Likewise, having an elaborate business phone system is crucial for businesses. For the most part, they contribute by offering the following functionalities:


  • Auto Attending Calls


One of the key aspects you need to consider when running a business is handling calls made to your organisation. Be it from vendors or customers, you must receive them, which is better handled by a communication system that automatically manages them.

An auto call attending function can, therefore, also benefit your operator, reducing their manual labour besides offering other benefits.


  • Conferencing Calls


Communication, in most cases, requires connecting two or more parties to discuss or resolve matters related to different business areas. When your businesses cannot consistently offer call conferencing capabilities to your workforce, the performance output will suffer significantly.

Moreover, it can lead to misunderstandings, further creating drama in a business environment. Don’t we all know how detrimental drama can be in the office?


  • Voicemail to Email


It is one of the accessibility features that most companies miss out on taking on to cut costs. However, it can be increasingly beneficial to have your voicemails redirected to your inbox so one can hear them during the commute or at times of availability.

In a business environment, voicemails will essentially contain important information that needs to be managed or solved. So scenarios of obtaining a business communication system without voicemail to email are merely bricks to build a wall of setback(s).


  • Call Recording


Getting the option to record business calls is a no-brainer. In fact, most hotline or helpline services fundamentally need it for quality monitoring purposes. Beyond it, there are several other benefits of having call recording functionality embedded in your business communication systems.

For instance, consider the memory retention capacity of a human. Surely everyone has at least once forgotten their keys or wallets somewhere, correct? Likewise, having call record functionality helps to revisit the instance where key information was conveyed anyone can further use to make informed decisions.


  • Group Call Distributions


You know what happens when you dial a business landline number, correct? Well, for the zoomers, you’re asked to provide input using alphanumeric characters after the call is connected.

Such functionality is operated by business communications systems tools that help to distribute the calls to the appropriate channel. Not having it will be chaos, which might also get someone sued in certain regions!


  • Call Accounting


All of the calling that your workforce does or receives should be accounted for in quantifiable numbers. Without it, a possibility exists that the management is not monitoring all the aspects of their business. And it is a flaw of the greatest kind.

Hence, business communication tools like the Avaya phone system help obtain call accounting data. The cost, count, usage, and everything will be logged, ultimately giving you data that helps you learn different business metrics.

Does 5G Network Fork Or Enhance Business Communications Systems?

Truth be told, the 5G global rollout is yet pending, with most third-world countries still working on their logistics and infrastructure. But, for the first world countries and others, the benefits of a 5G system are yet to be fully realised.

See, for areas where the cell network is weak in your offices, getting a cell phone signal booster will be cheaper than adopting a 5G communications system. Likewise, it’s not a critical need to incorporate 5G communications with your business, but in future, it can assist in the following ways:


  • Using XR Technologies


All businesses are gearing up to adopt the Metaverse or at least incorporate blockchain systems into their infrastructure. Naturally, the arrival of XR (Extended Reality), which uses AI, AR, and VR applications and tools, will require quick data transfer capabilities. Naturally, 5G technology can deliver it.


  • Gig Economy & Remote Working


A market trend on the rise is professionals working for limited periods in a firm before switching to another for personal growth. Although the WFH trend seconds it, both scenarios will make offices remote, requiring the central establishment to invest more in cloud computing and other resources.

Herein, the 5G network capabilities can assist both the employer and the employees in fast-lining business operations and communication needs.

