
CHELSEA WOLFE Offering gets 7/10

Chelsea Wolfe
Sargent House


Every now and then you discover an artist who is so beautifully understated and restrained it makes you sit up and take notice, stop whatever you are doing and just close your eyes to let the notes wash over you.

The latest Offering from Chelsea Wolfe is just such a song. The second single lifted from Wolfe’s fifth album Hiss Spun will takes your breath away with its dark beauty and simple yet soothing sounds, complimenting her voice perfectly. It has a very ethereal feel to it and is backed up with lyrics like “Holy life that you liken to nothing”. The drum solo in the middle, while sedate, strikes a chord deep within.

This song only serves to prove just how talented Wolfe is in her ability to take you away to another world. A world that is dark, dangerous, terrifying and yet strangely alluring.

Offering will lead you down the rabbit hole and into the mind of Chelsea Wolfe, infecting your mind. With Hiss Spun (the follow up to her acclaimed 2015 record Abyss) due out September 22, the anticipation to go deeper and get caught in the net of her sounds is tempting indeed.

