Darkwave, post-punk duo Lebanon Hanover announce first ever tour of Australia

British-German post-punk act Lebanon Hanover have announced their first ever tour of Australia.

The duo, comprised of Swiss Larissa Iceglass and Brit William Maybelline, will perform at Rosemount Hotel on Sunday, April 28, 2024.

With a sound reminiscent of Siouxsie Sioux, The Cure, Bauhaus and Xmal Deutschland, Lebanon Hanover are hyped as one of the most significant bands creating music within the post-punk, goth, and darkwave scene in the past decade.

“It was the purpose of Lebanon Hanover to create minimal somber music like in the early ’80s” said Iceglass of their distinctive sound. “It suits our dark age more than any happy plastic high-pitched pop.”

Lebanon Hanover play Rosemount Hotel on Sunday, April 28, 2024. Tickets are on sale Wednesday, September 6 from
