
5 Most Common Types of Pests in Apartments!

For the millions of people living in apartments in Australia, pests are frequent visitors. Plus, with each passing season, changes in temperature and environmental differences introduce new insects to your property. 

These critters can find their way into your home, feast on food and fabric, and spread filth and allergies, causing itching rashes. While stumbling upon one or two bugs might not be worrisome for you, it can indicate an upcoming infestation. 

Now, apartments, especially those managed under strata management, can attract many species and pests depending on the surrounding atmosphere and the season. Although many of these creatures are harmless, they can cause expensive damage and lead other dangerous pests like spiders and rodents to your property. In such situations, it is important to seek professional assistance from pest control Perth experts. They have the knowledge, tools, and experience to effectively identify and eliminate pests, ensuring the safety and integrity of your home or business.

So, here are some of the most common bugs found on apartments in Australia: 


One of the most common apartment pests in Australia is one we all know very well –  ants. They transport quickly, form large nests, and thrive near food sources, mainly starch and sugar. These little creatures are voted as the number one concern for homeowners. 

There are loads and loads of species of ants that can enter your home, including: 

  • Pavement ants
  • Carpenter ants
  • Odorous house ants
  • Fire ants
  • Grease ants
  • Pharaoh ants
  • Field ants

These insects are more common in hot months like spring and summer as they prefer to mate in warm weather. They can move into apartments through the tiniest holes, cracks, vents, and poorly sealed areas. Once ants are inside, they can mildly annoy you or cause costly structural damage. 


In Australia, there is a range of mites, and each one is different from the others in terms of characteristics and their impact on humans. Some of the most common species of mites are: 

  • Store mites 
  • Rodent mites
  • Chigger mites 
  • Store product mites
  • Bird mites 

Recently, the country has been fighting to prevent and control an outbreak of tiny parasitic mites that can spread viruses to European bees and even kill them. So, if you find any mite infestation in your home, hire mites control in Melbourne promptly. 


Nothing can be as unsettling as finding cockroaches racing on your kitchen floor at night. Like ants, you can find many types of roaches in apartments. Some of the most common ones are:

  • American Cockroaches
  • German roaches 
  • Wood Cockroaches 
  • Oriental roaches

Identifying a cockroach is easy due to its flattened and often brown body. Usually, they will scurry quickly across kitchen floors, and adult cockroaches can be huge. These creepy critters invade your house through small cracks and openings in the doors and windows. 

These insects are masters at hiding and can be found in hard-to-reach areas like crevices, and corners, usually near food sources. Cockroaches are highly destructive to property and can carry allergic diseases. 

One of the most worrisome things about roaches is that they don’t need to be present to spread allergies, as allergens can be found in fabrics like bedding and clothing even after eliminating them. Hence, it is better to hire pest control in Richmond that can offer you deep cleaning. 


We all know the importance of bees and how significant these creatures are for our ecosystem. However, having a bee infestation around the residential or commercial property is not advisable. It can be very dangerous, and understanding how to get rid of bee nests is essential for any property owner. 

Here are some of the reasons why you should get professional bee pest control in Perth instead of doing it by yourself: 

  • With bee nests around your property, the risk of getting stung by a bee significantly rises for you, your family, and your pets. The stings can cause severe injuries and can be fatal in some cases. 
  • If someone in your family has a bee allergy, then bee nest removal becomes critical. It can save you from any complications that may arrive due to a simple bee sting.

When protecting their nests, bees do become aggressive. Hence, it is better to let a professional bee pest control Perth company deal with it rather than opting for DIY methods. 


Australia is a country of spiders, with more than 10,000 species found and recognised in the nation. But the good thing is that most spiders are harmless and even eat bugs. 

That doesn’t mean that you want them infesting your apartment. They can spread allergies and can even cause structural damage. So, it is better to get them eradicated as soon as possible. As we have significantly less knowledge of which species is dangerous, it is better to get professional pest control Richmond

Final Words 

Paying particular attention to mites is necessary due to the recent outbreak, and professional mites control Melbourne companies should be called when necessary. Additionally, homeowners should always pay attention to the bugs they find in their apartments. One or two bugs can spiral out of control and lead to a full-fledged infestation. 

