
WIN! ALL IRISH COMEDY Fringe tickets

Come and experience the Globetrotting International Irish storyteller, Ronnie Neville! From Cork to Perth with a suitcase full of stories. Tales from the bogs and streets of Ireland watered and grown on the floorboards of Irish pubs. Truly this man is either a genius or a lunatic! You decide!

We all love a good joke but we never forget a good story and Ronnie Neville has a bucket of stories one funnier than the other that will have you splitting your sides with laughter. No one knows what he is going to say or do next. Not even himself, with improvised storytelling like you have never seen before, strap yourself in because this guy is absolutely off the rails hilarious!

We’re tickled green to have two double passes to All Irish Comedy at The Aberdeen on Saturday, February 5.

To WIN email us here at [email protected] with ALL IRISH COMEDY in the subject line and your phone number in the copy, then tag the mate you will take in the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!

Competition closes Wednesday, February 2 at 5 pm. You must be a WA resident and be able to attend the performance.
