Every week we bring you the best in fashion, food, shopping and lifestyle.
EAT AT: Little Bird Cafe
Among its many charms, this Lake street eatery boasts a fine line in gourmet bagels, including candied bacon and New York-style Reubens.
DRINK AT: Wolf Lane
One of the elder statesmen of the burgeoning Perth small bar scene, Wolf Lane is always worth a visit for a Catch 22 or three.
SHOP AT: Johnnage The Brave
Local pop artist Johnnage The Brave – you’ve seen his work on the Stand To Smoke/Sit To Drink chalkboards at the Scotto, surely? – now has a Redbubble store, where you can get his stuff slapped on a shirt, a phone cover, anything really. Check him out at redbubble.com/people/johnnagethebrav
GO TO: Artlink Magazine Launch
The Bird plays host to an impressive collection of artistic thinkers, including Stelarc, Oran Catts and Ionat Zurr, on Saturday, September 19, from 5pm. The topic of discussion is the intersection between medical science.