Review: Nat’s What I Reckon: Yeah, Righto at Astor Theatre
Nat’s What I Reckon: Yeah, Righto at Astor Theatre
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Comedian, online content creator and chaotic cooking extraordinaire Nat’s What I Reckon returned to the Perth comedy scene in full force on Saturday with their new show Nat’s What I Reckon: Yeah, Righto.
In their typical tirade of sarcastic social commentary, furious expletives and grippingly idiotic storytelling, Yeah, Righto offered the best of the Sydney-based stand-up comedian. With the show’s title referencing the wonderfully mundane and bafflingly stupid situations that life often yields, Yeah, Righto was filled with cleverly compiled anecdotes, observations, and gripes, delivered in Nat’s typical off-beat style.
Amid moments of hilarity, brought often by Nat’s refined nonchalant persona and ambivalent delivery of punchlines (a mastery of comedic timing and tone), the show also featured refreshing candid moments from the comedian, which were largely unexpected but well integrated within the show’s procession. Openly and honestly discussing his experiences of mental health, medication and extreme anxiety, Nat’s What I Reckon moved the show between moments of comedic light and shade, without losing the audience’s attention or favour. In fact, the audience response was often strongest to the comedian at some of these more candid moments.
Throwing in the occasional cooking reference (for which most of the audience were excited awaiting) and ‘death to jar sauce’ moments, the show didn’t veer away from Nat’s What I Reckon’s online presence and comedy style. At select moments, punters were treated to snippets of the highly popular YouTube cooking series produced by the comedian, as well as some behind-the-scenes stories, and a highly on-brand mock commercial.
After a great set, Nat’s What I Reckon closed in style with their electric guitar and a fantastic bit of lyrical tomfoolery, before leaving the stage amid high applause. Another great show from this year’s Perth Comedy Festival.