Review: Guru Dudu’s Silent Disco Walking Tour at Fringe World
Guru Dudu’s Silent Disco Walking Tour at Fringe World
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Every good performance at the Fringe needs a warm-up act, and Guru Dudu’s Silent Disco Walking Tour is the ultimate warm-up! Skip the pre-drinks and use a Guru Dudu tour to get the endorphins pumping, shake off the day at work, and ‘Get the party started’ (yes, that was one of the songs on the tour).
Madame Shasha led the 6.30pm tour on Saturday, January 27, but there is also an 8.15pm option for those who prefer dancing in the dark. And dance, you will. Even the most apathetic, tired, or uncoordinated fell under Shasha’s spell. The tour starts at The Pleasure Garden (a great spot to meet friends or dates) and grooves its way through the streets of Northbridge for 50 minutes in headphones.
Along with controlling the playlist, Madame Shasha instructs many of your dance moves through the headphones, giving the appearance to outsiders that you are spontaneously breaking out into a coordinated musical number—living out a musical theatre dream of many.
Passing crowds will smile and wave (and occasionally take photos) as you rock the air guitar, Mexican wave, and serenade the local pub. A highlight was Bohemian Rhapsody on the yellow steps of the Cultural Centre—a song that may sound terrible at karaoke but is tremendous fun in an impulsive, unrehearsed choir of 50.
This is an excellent choice for a birthday group, a fun date, or just a great way to start your night at Fringe World.