
INJURED NINJA Reform for special show

Noise punk outfit Injured Ninja are reforming as a three piece for a very special show at The Sewing Room on Friday, July 27 with support from Sonnenmasse, Erasers and Supernaked.

It’s their first gig since 2014. “Between our various day jobs, side hustles and other bands, we’ve been slowly chipping away at new Ninja jams for some time,” Dominic Pearce from the band says. “Given our propensity for distraction, and that we were all back in town for a few uninterrupted months for once, we figured now would be a good time for a show.”

Injured Ninja have won awards, toured Japan and the US, and have supported such luminaries as Gang of Four, HEALTH, My Disco and Future of the Left. Its members also serve in such groups as Selfless, Weapon Is Sound, Usurper of Modern Medicine, Tactile AF, and Doublethink Prism.

Injured Ninja play The Sewing Room on Friday, July 27 with Sonnenmasse, Erasers and Supernaked. Tickets on sale now. 

