Murder, melodrama and Wes Anderson combine in a theatrical dance double-header by two of WA’s leading choreographers in BANG! BANG!. Consisting of Act 2, Scenes 1-4 by Scott Elstermann, and Love You, Stranger by Shona Erskine, this world premiere runs at The Blue Room Theatre from November 26 to December 14.
Act 2, Scenes 1-4 is Elstermann’s take on American director Wes Anderson’s films, such as The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom. A visually striking crime caper, we are swept into a world of saturated colour, playful movement and sinister murder by reimagining Anderson’s cinematic conventions through contemporary dance. The work is split into four scenes: The Murder, The Horror, The Arrest, and The Escape, which lead the audience through sensational reenactments of mischief and mayhem.
Love You, Stranger is a deliciously fascinating exploration of true crimes and true love, subject matter that is currently experiencing a renaissance within the podcast community. Gunshots at a ball, evil stepmothers, and town gossip feed into a melodrama of three historical Australian women doing what they had to do to survive.
Theatrical dance double-header BANG! BANG! by Scott Elstermann and Shona Erskine runs at The Blue Room Theatre from November 26 – December 14. Click here for more info and tickets.