Ambar Nightclub is ready to celebrate almost 20 years in operation with a few final shows before closing its doors for good on Saturday, July, 7. We are sad!
The venue has been a popular and leading hub for nightclubbers and electronic music fans in Perth, with big nights of partying through to the early morning light the stuff of legend.
Many local and international electronic music stars have made their way down the iconic Murray Street laneway since it opened in the early 2000s. Perth acts ShockOne and drum and bass giants Pendulum have gone onto achieve international acclaim, while local legend DJ Micah played so many shows there he could be said to have defined the sound and the fun-filled nature of the club.
A Facebook post by Ambar owner Liam Mazzucchelli about the announcement was met with thousands of responses from Perth’s club scene, showing just how much the Perth venue meant to the community.
He also welcomes “old and new venue friends” to celebrate the legacy of the club with one last dance. There were a number of shows over the weekend including Fresh Produce on Friday, June 29 and The Final Society – RIP Ambar on Saturday, June 30. It’s all going to go out with a bang this weekend with Ambar: One Last Dance officially ending an era for the venue on Saturday, July 7.