triple j have changed the date of the Hottest 100 to the fourth weekend in January, meaning the countdown will occur over the weekend. Well done triple j, it’s about time. This year’s countdown will occur on Saturday, January 27 with the Hottest 200-101 occurring the next day.
The station have said, “There’s been increasing debate around 26 January and there are a lot of perspectives on what it means to different Australians. As the public broadcaster representing all Australians, triple j and the ABC doesn’t take a view in the discussions. However, in recent years the Hottest 100 has become a symbol in the debate about Australia Day. The Hottest 100 wasn’t created as an Australia Day celebration. It was created to celebrate your favourite songs of the past year. It should be an event that everyone can enjoy together – for both the musicians whose songs make it in and for everyone listening in Australia and around the world. This is really important to us.”
The station conducted two surveys into the matter, both turning back the results that the majority of listeners support the date change.
They have also said that on Australia Day they will be playing nothing but Australian music, including the best live Australian music.
triple j’s Hottest 100, Saturday, January 27. Voting opens on Tuesday, December 12.