Had one hell of a summer break and as a consequence you’re struggling to drag yourself out of bed and into the office/classroom each morning? Yeah, so are we… but thanks to a little research, we’re on our way to curing our/your post-holiday blues. PENNY LANE reports.
If, like us, your first day back after a two/three/four week vay-cay made you die a little on the inside, you know you’re a sucker for those dreaded post-holiday blues – that gut-wrenching feeling you get when you realise you could be anywhere and everywhere else other than work or uni, living your life instead of counting down the clock attached to your miserable everyday existence.
Sorry guys, it’s been tough on all of us…
Okay, okay, okay, enough of that. Who needs to feel worse about working than they already do? Get out of this slump and back in front with these handy anti-post-holiday-depressants.
Five Stages Of Grief
From denial and anger, to bargaining, depression and acceptance, recognising the signs of grieving (hey, breaking up with Bali hurts deep, man) will help you get over your summertime fling and back to reality.
Smash It Out
Still angry your holiday left you? Nothing beats a punching bag and your own two fists to get the rage out of your system. Boxing is a great stress-reliever and perfect for that cardio workout you probably need after one too many mojitos. So let the anger out and get yourself fit all at the same time.
Rise And Shine
Give yourself a reason to get up in the morning – you know, other than the need to pay off your HECS debt. Maybe you’ve got a great dinner date with friends scheduled, or movies under the stars. Maybe you’ve even got a new outfit you want to show off, or you just have one amazing leftovers concoction you can’t wait to devour. Either way, find something to be positive about. Get out of that negative rut and get smiling. You’ll be surprised how much a positive outlook will change your mood.
Musical Notes
Your class might be dull, but the beats you listen to don’t have to be. Get some tunes pumping and stimulate your mind – it’ll help you to focus and will distract you from what ‘Jane did last summer’.
Rekindling Friendships
You spend all day every day with them, but how much do you actually know about your work/class mates? Have some fun out of office hours and get bonding – you never know, that hot guy in accounts might have become suddenly single. Office romance anyone?
Dollar Bills
Had a little too much of the high life these past few months? Now it’s time to count your pennies and get that bank account back up and running. Figuring out a new budget will get you on the right track for the New Year, will mean you’re one step ahead, and potentially, one step closer to another sneaky getaway.
Get Planning
It’s never too soon to book your next trip away, especially if you’ve got money left over from your last getaway. We think the best time to plan a trip is between the one you just took, and the next large chunk of public holidays or forced annual leave coming up on your calendar. The more regular your breaks, the more relaxed and motivated you’ll be, and the better you’ll be at your job. Here’s hoping your boss feels the same way.
Don’t Forget
There’s still the weekend! Why not relive them holiday feels by going on a spontaneous road trip down south, or heading to the beach for a day? Remember there are 52 weekends in a year, which means 52 mini-vacations.