A sold-out comedy hit at this year’s Melbourne Film Festival, Book Week follows washed out novelist turned English teacher, Nicholas Cutter (Alan Dukes), as he struggles to get his career back on track. Besides struggling to get his students to pay attention to something other than their iPhones, Cutter’s attempt to revive his career (by writing a pulpy zombie novel) is threatened by the most chaotic week of the school year: Book Week.
We’ve got five double passes to see Book Week at Luna Leederville to giveaway!
To enter simply email us here at [email protected] with BOOK WEEK in the subject line and tag the mate you want to take on the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!
Competition closes Wednesday, November 26 at 5pm. Please only enter if you can attend. You must be a Perth, WA resident and able to pick up your prize from The Rosemount Hotel.