
Why Learning Piano Can Further Develop Your Singing and Musicianship

Taking a few piano lessons and learning to articulate your voice openly can help further develop your ability to display confidence. Your performance as a musician playing an instrument is a great way to improve your overall musicianship and vocal ability. You could see it as a gym for your vocal cords. Many people prefer the sound of a guitar when it comes to practising their singing, and there is nothing wrong with that choice, but the gentleness of a piano makes it more comfortable for others. Pianos are user friendly and easy to learn from, and much like the guitar, they can be the ultimate companion for anyone wanting to improve their range and ability to hear the tunes on time. The only difference between the piano and guitar is that the sound spectrum of a piano makes it easier to practice your vocals over a single chord. There is a lot of benefit for singers when they practice using modified piano studies to harness their skills. Some of those skills include:

  • To accurately read music from the sheet and play the piano with skill and perfect techniques.
  • Taking the time to combine singing with listening and matching the instrument’s sound to the range of their voices.

The examples mentioned above are just the start to more advanced musical creativity and knowledge and teaches the players and vocalists how to be creative and self-expressive. When you want to be a better vocalist and musician, it is worth taking the longer route and learning all there is to know about perfecting that skill, including learning to read the sheet.

Musical intellect improvisation

Singing along to the music you learn to play improves your creativity. The ability to play what you visualise for yourself will enhance what is in front of you on a sheet. It can be inspiring and motivational. Strengthening your voice expands your skills as a pianist, but it requires dedication. Here are a few things you could focus on:

  • Exercise your vocal ability

As mentioned before, you can use a single chord of the piano to practice the notes that you sing when you warm up your vocal cords. Basic tunes or nursery rhymes will help you to become familiar with the piano keys and also practice your timing and range at the same time.

  • Practice the sounds you hear vocally

Listen to a song and practise playing it on the piano. The melodic tune should start to come naturally as you learn to sing along to it while practising. Your ability to hear the sounds you play will also improve and strengthen, making way for you to work on riffs and run embellishments. This also enhances the ear and lays an excellent foundation to vary melodic choices, including working on decorations like riffs and runs.

  •   Learn to play the piano on your own

If you have never played the piano before and you are longing to play it while you sing along to either your own music or well-known songs by famous artists, then there would be no better place to start than by purchasing your own acoustic or digital piano. There are many second-hand pianos that you can get at an affordable price from warehouses around the country. The most beneficial part about owning the piano will be the time you will learn how to play it without intimidation or disturbance. It will give you a chance to slowly work through the things you struggle with, like coordinating your voice with a song, and your timing will inevitably become better.

Seeking the advice and help of a trained professional will help you understand the keys on a piano and how they work together. Your teacher can assist you with listening to the chords and figuring out when they are out of tune. They can also help you to compose your songs that you can practice with original music.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of becoming musically literate:

  • You will have the full ability to notate the lyrics that you write
  • Your understanding of all the required signatures will give you the ability to transpose them to other keys. This will help you to make each note fit perfectly with your voice through each song.
  • You will be able to completely understand tempo vs meter and perfect it with your timing, which all vocalists need when singing along to an instrument.

Completing your piano lessons to play along to music that you write or songs that you compose will give you the confidence to play it to an audience. The goal for many vocalists is to be able to sing out in public. When you can do so and understand your range, tempo, and rhythm, you will make a career out of your talent. Learning to play the piano exudes discipline that can transform your performances when giving it to an artist. You will learn to hear the music on a different scale, you will learn to play along to the instruments played by other people, and you will learn to play together with other musicians. It can vastly improve your life and is worth taking the time to invest in.
