

VdelliVdelli launch their new live album, Live & On Fire at the Charles Hotel this Saturday, March 29, with help from The Julius Lutero Band and Kat Wilson. BOB GORDON checks in with Michael Vdelli. 

How long have you wanted to do a live album and why now?

For quite a while our audience has been asking for a live release. The time seemed right to add a live album to our catalogue now that we had more new original material to showcase in a live and spontaneous situation.

The last album, Never Going Back, showcased more hard rock flavours than previous releases, did that make for pretty fired up performances on the European tour which gave rise to this live album?

The live set, particularly with the addition of new heavier material, is definitely the main asset of our band so I suppose it’s logical to capitalise on one’s strengths.

Describe the show wherein the live album was recorded? 

The show was recorded in front of a full house at the Indi Bar late last year. The vibe was great and fortunately we played well so the end result was what we were looking for.

How aware during the show are you of being recorded? Can that itself be distracting?

The fact that one is being recorded is always apparent however over time, experience has taught me to enjoy the challenge of producing under pressure. I quite like it, actually. It seems to bring out the best in the band.

You’re off to Europe again in May. What are the plans and indeed your hopes for the rest of 2014?

Yes, it’s only been a couple of months since the last adventure but this tour will see us playing at summer festivals and showcase concerts in Europe. I would say the highlight could be Sweden Rock Festival at which we have been asked to open proceedings, but so far the whole tour looks great. The plan for the rest of the year is the same as always, to get our music to more people, improve our live show and continue to expand our touring territory.

Check out the event here.
