Best track to open and close a set with?
We love the Flume edit of Rustie’s track Slasher and Closer by Penthouse Penthouse.
Tools of the trade?
We play with two laptops hooked up to Launchpads, an APC40, a Vestax VCI-100SE and a Maschine for finger drumming bizniz. When it comes to the studio, we love our Ableton and use virtually no outboard gear.
Favourite new track?
On the super chill tip: Banks – This Is What It Feels Like. We’re also quite enjoying Pedestrian – Hoyle Road.
Best track to clean the house to?
Finatticz – Don’t Drop That Thun Thun.
Weirdest tune you’ve ever played?
We have a trap edit of the Game Of Thrones theme we call Jon Snow. It usually throws people off at first, but who doesn’t love Game Of Thrones?
Favourite track to make out to?
What with each other? Heck no!
What’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you whilst DJing?
Fletch has played with a plate of braised chicken feet resting on the jog wheel of each CDJ because he lost a bet with Morgan.
Most exciting moment behind the decks?
Now that we’re a duo, we are excited that we can actually go to the toilet when one of us needs to.
Raddest DJ trick?
Fletch throws around his golden locks while Morgan gives the crowd the smolder – all at the same time as tap dancing and playing music of course! People get excited.