
The Caballeros

The CaballerosRock and roll five piece The Caballeros launch their latest single, Another Day, at Devilles Pad this Friday, September 12, with support from Boom! Bap! Pow! and Les Sataniques gogo dancers. We spoke with lead singer Jake “Dr Green” England.

Who are The Caballeros?

Who are we? Well I gotta say The Caballeros are plain and simply a bunch of gentlemen addicted to music and having a good time all the time. We have been through a few member changes since the band started in 2009 and won a couple of awards, but all of that is just part of being in a band.

What’s your sound?

We have been calling ourselves “heartbreak rock and roll” but if you had to push me for what the hell that meant, I would say we are a bubbling mix of rock and roll, punk, garage and rhythm and blues. Sounds tough to swallow, I know, but it seems to get people dancing.
Some of our biggest influences would have to be The Rolling Stones, The Stooges and The Sonics. But of course you can chuck in guys like The Jim Jones Review, Danko Jones and Turbonegro too.

Tell us about the writing of Another Day.

I wrote Another Day in two sections, which I had never done before. I had been seeing this girl and when she gave me the boot a lot of past relationship crap came flooding back and I noticed a lot of my previous flings had ended the same way. I wrote the lyrics one afternoon drowning my sorrows at a local drinking establishment and sort of just left it be.
A bit later I wrote the guitar parts and couldn’t get my head around any lyrics for it. The tune sat for a while gathering dust until I found the lyrics in a note pad. They just fit and the song was finished.
Where did you record?
We recorded it with the mighty Rob Grant at Poons Head in Fremantle. The man just gets sound, he has the best gear vintage amps, microphones and compressors. Gear that was used by The Beatles and a compressor that he bought off The Rolling Stones.

What’s up next?

We put this thing out and see how it goes, if it does alright and people want to hear more we will give them more,
If not, I am thinking about going and farming either cocoa in South America or maybe I will try and break a world record, something like man with world’s biggest hat crosses Russia in a monkey-powered rocket car in seven hours. Something like that anyway.
