Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers is an immersive and interactive performance that explores Roald Dahlʼs extraordinary stories, hitting Subiaco Arts Centre from Thursday, September 29 to Saturday, October 1. Especially made for ages six and up, the scene is set when all around the world Roald Dahl’s words are disappearing not only from books but children’s minds too, and the ‘Ancient Guild of Taletenders’ are on a mission to save the authorʼs extraordinary stories. MELISSA MANN spoke to Madi Savage, a performer in the production and member of this ancient Guild, to find out what it’s like working with Dahl’s incredible works, and incredibly excited children…
What character are you playing and what can you tell us about them?
Brenda Boggs is a passionate, excited extroverted Taletender, partnered up with her antithesis Terrance who has no time for childish nonsense. We are protecting and preserving Roald Dahl’s works, but the worble gobblers have been up to mischief and we need the kids’ help. It is an upbeat, interactive and goofy show.
Do you have a favourite moment in the play?
Building a story with the kids. That is when the show comes alive and is at its most fulfilling. It is gratifying how the kids are invested in Roald Dahl’s stories – some of them even bring their copies. I also love seeing the nice moments between parents and kids – it is very inclusive and enjoyable for parents.
The show description mentions games and imaginative play, which as a parent translates to ‘chaos and screaming.’ How do you crowd control/guide a group of excited little audience members who are desperate to participate?
(laughs) I didn’t realise how much of the role that would entail! Once the kids are invested, we use the character’s emotion to keep their attention, and because they care about the outcome, they will honour that. We also use tools like the ‘Taletender salute’ to signal it’s time for attention.
What other things have you worked on?
My background is with adult improv comedy and making silly comedy for adults. [The main difference is] with kids you must work much harder to match their energy.
Give us the show in three words…
Imagination, interaction, silliness.