Popular myths about communication in dating apps and video chats: what is true and what is not?

Today, it cannot be denied that online dating has become an important part of the lives of millions of people around the world. They help to expand the social circle, look for interesting interlocutors and like-minded people, make friends, and even find love. These are great!

However, at the same time, we can see that there are a lot of myths about dating on the Web and there are many prejudices that are sometimes very difficult to get rid of. In this article, we decided to figure out whether all these myths are true or not. Is it just empty prejudices that have nothing to do with reality? Sit tight, it will be interesting!

7 Common Myths and Prejudices: Real and Not So Real

At this point, for your convenience, we have put the popular myths on the list so that you can quickly find those that are of particular interest to you and cause you doubts:

  • You can’t meet an adequate person in applications and video chats


Certainly, on the Internet, you can meet far from the most adequate people sometimes. However, this is not a reason to believe that absolutely everyone is out of their head on the Web. This is definitely not true! You will be surprised when you realize how many perfectly adequate, serious, and successful people are online suffering from loneliness. Just give your search more time, you will definitely find interesting interlocutors with whom it will be pleasant to spend time, or you can decide to take your communication offline.

The main thing is to be able to choose the right dating platforms and filter potential interlocutors according to the criteria that are important to you.

  • Video chats are just for fun and nothing else


In fact, the same can be said about any Internet service. It all depends on how you are using it. Some people use video chats solely for entertainment. However, others successfully find new friends and their love. The main thing is to choose the right site. For example, you can use the following services below: Omegle was first  popular random video chat, it had a huge and very active audience where you could meet and chat with people from almost all over the world, use the language filter, and search by interests. Although Omegle shut down last year, you can choose from a variety of good analogues:

  • is like Omegle with girls, with an unmistakable gender filter and choice of communication language of the interlocutors. OmegleAlternative also has a built-in message translator for easy communication with foreigners.
  • Chatous is a mobile video chat with a fairly functional built-in messenger, in which you can chat and exchange media files, as well as send self-deleting messages. In addition, it is convenient to search for interlocutors by interest through the appropriate hashtags.
  • JusTalk is an interesting alternative to Omegle for smartphones that allows you to communicate one-on-one and in a group chat, which is sometimes quite useful. Especially if you like to chat with friends or colleagues.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. These services are quite capable of giving you a meeting with interesting interlocutors and with your future soulmate. We recommend trying!

  • In dating apps and video chats, everyone is looking only for sex


This is one of the very common stereotypes associated with online dating. Yes, we do not deny that there are people in dating apps and dating sites who are absolutely not interested in a serious relationship and who only want sex. There aren’t many of them, especially, if you choose the right dating service.

Curiously, many people cite the Tinder app as evidence of this myth. Indeed, there are quite a few users here who are interested in “one-night stands.” Nonetheless, the web dating industry isn’t just limited to Tinder, right? Currently, in the world, there are more than 8,000 different dating sites for every taste and every audience. Definitely, you will find something for yourself!

  • In dating apps and video chats, everyone cheats


Unfortunately, many scammers on the Internet are trying to lure money, and personal data, or just have fun at someone’s expense. They may use fake photos, false data, or other tricks. Therefore, you need to be careful and not trust strangers too much. Do not send money, do not give out your passwords, do not agree to a meeting in an unfamiliar place, and do not share intimate photos or videos. If you suspect that the interlocutor is not who they say they are, check their photo in a browser or chat via video.

Also, do not forget that on the Web, many people try to embellish themselves a little, inventing unrealistic biography facts, heavily editing photos, etc. Most people do this without any malicious intent; they simply want to please more potential partners. However, we want you to always remember that profile information and photos may not be 100% accurate.

  • You can find your love in dating apps and video chats


Yes, that’s true! As of today, about 18% of all marriages in the world are the result of online dating. Most importantly, the number is increasing gradually. More interestingly, such “online marriages” are often stronger than those that began with offline dating.

Today, statistics show that “offline couples” divorce is 8%, and “online couples” is 6% of cases. Certainly, the difference of 2% is not so significant but the gap exists. This fact cannot be ignored!

Obviously, in the future, the number of online dating and marriages between people who meet on the Web will only increase. Therefore, you cannot doubt that finding your love on the Internet is absolutely real. The main thing is to take action and not sit back.

  • In dating apps and video chats, you need to be 100% self-confident


Yes, this is true. Appearance and self-esteem play a significant role in online dating. Believe us, only a few feel completely relaxed when they meet someone on the web. There is always some awkwardness, constriction, and shyness, especially if you like the interlocutor and you are afraid to say or do something wrong.

However, excessive self-confidence can only harm acquaintances, because overly self-confident and narcissistic people repel and cause dislike online and offline. Therefore, you do not need to seem absolutely confident in yourself in order to convince the interlocutor. Be yourself, treat other people with respect, do not draw all the attention to yourself, know how to listen and just be a pleasant conversationalist. You don’t need more.

  • When dating on the Internet, you need to pay for everything


Although many online dating platforms offer paid services such as premium access, additional features, or gifts, this is not essential for successful communication. There are many free apps and sites where you can register without paying and enjoy all the features without restrictions.

Typically, the most expensive are the popular dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Badoo, etc. In these dating apps, you will have to pay several tens of dollars every month for premium features. However, you can use more niche and less expensive alternatives. Besides, the above video chats like offer their functionality for free or at least much cheaper. We recommend trying!

Summing up

In fact, all these myths and prejudices are just an empty shell. Your online dating experience depends solely on what goals you set for yourself and how seriously you approach the task. Some people will never find their love in a video chat, because they did not set such a goal for themselves. There are those for whom video chat is nothing more than entertainment and a way to pass the time. Therefore, if your goal is to find new friends or your love, then sooner or later, you will achieve it!

The main thing is to discard all doubts, speculation, and prejudice. If you are skeptical from the beginning, the results will be corresponding. Hence, it is worth believing in yourself and start acting, and everything will change quickly for good. Believe us, you just have to try!
