Part performance, part installation, part rave: New production FAKE dives into alternative truths

Part performance, part installation, part rave: FAKE is a real-time deep-dive into alternative truths, fact checkers, AI, scams, conspiracy theories, political division and the distortions of reality that define contemporary life.

Taking over The Goodwill Club at The Rechabite from Thursday, May 23 to Saturday, May 25, FAKE will immerse audiences in multiple realities with real-time AI generation and live web scrapes from 4chan, Reddit and TikTok, along with news broadcasts, ChatGPT, audience submissions, live video and more.

The project assembles an array of leading WA artists using technology to capture and critique societal and political constructs to craft an intrinsically unique intermedia work.

“For me, it is vital that work responds to this situation, and in FAKE we do so in real-time, creating a genuinely new, ultra-responsive work every night,” Mark Haslam, Artistic Director of kdmindustries, said.

“Society often feels to me like it’s at a tipping point, with increasing levels of noise and chaos. The climate is falling apart, democracy is under threat, there’s financial inequity and disempowerment. But through it all humans are still trying to find ways of connecting and communicating with each other, finding our own truths and realities.”

“These are what I’m exploring in FAKE – finding how, in real-time, people all over the world are reaching out, trying to make an impact, and find their communities to feel safe and heard within.”

FAKE is showing at The Goodwill Club at The Rechabite from Thursday, May 23 to Saturday, May 25, 2024. Tickets are on sale now from
