

Annette Gohl and Jacqueline Forth
Annette Gohl and Jacqueline Forth

Annette Gohl and Jacqueline Forth, are the founders of Pure Glow Cleanse, Perth’s original cold pressed juice business.

Somewhat understandably, during the New Year and hot Summer months there is a particularly strong calling for their restorative juice ‘cleanses’. So here’s…

Annette’s Top 5 Tips For A Holiday Wellness Boost:

1. Make a huge, nutrient dense salad every day with as many colours as possible! Green (leafy greens, pepitas, cucumber, avocado), red (capsicums, red apple, red grapes, strawberries), orange (capsicums, apricots, orange wedges), purple (blueberries, purple cabbage).

2. A Vitamin B supplement is excellent for keeping stress at bay and providing long-lasting energy throughout the day, my favourite is the Healthy Essentials brand (

3. Blend up two lemons and a small bunch of parsley with a cup of water and then add 1L of water for an immune boosting detox drink. Your eyes will be bright white and your skin will glow after drinking this daily for a week.

4. Try a Relax & Restore yoga class for true bliss! Our favourite local studios are Yoga Alchemy, Beyond Being, Rhyanna VL, or Urban Soul Collective. If yoga isn’t your thing or you can’t find the time, try lying on the floor with your legs up the wall for five minutes. This simple posture resets your nervous system and is incredibly beneficial.

5. Book a juice cleanse to really counter balance the excesses of the Christmas and New Year’s period. Three days of juice will be delivered to your door, helping you feel instantly healthy and replenished.

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