Music Blog on YouTube: How to Attract an Audience and Stay Relevant


You probably already know that YouTube can be an effective modern promotion tool. Also, you’ve probably already read a few articles in the “how to promote your channel” series and have a general idea of how YouTube works. If not, visit this page and start studying the question from the beginning.

Today, YouTube is becoming an increasingly popular platform for promoting music. This is a great opportunity for artists of all levels, as the platform allows you to reach a wide audience and share your creativity with millions of people.

However, in order for your YouTube music channel to be successful, it is important not only to create quality content, but also to promote it correctly. We’ve put together some tips to help you quickly get your YouTube channel to the top.

Tip 1 — Develop a content plan

Develop a clear posting schedule so your followers know when to expect new videos. Immediately decide on the frequency of publications. It can be one video a week, two or three times a month or something else, the main thing is to publish content regularly.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and boldly diversify your content. You should not focus on publishing only music videos. Your followers can definitely be interested in:

  • covers of popular tracks;

  • training manuals and guides;

  • backstage video.

Tip 2 — Create original covers

Cover art is in principle a great way to build a large subscriber base quickly. If you have not understood yet how covers can help in promotion, we will now explain everything.

When another celebrity releases his new track, a marketing strategy is created and advertising budgets are allocated to promote it. As soon as fans hear the new product on the radio or see an advertisement for the video online or on TV, they will immediately rush to look for the track on Youtube. And here your finest hour will happen!

By creating your own version of a hype song, you have every chance of appearing in search results next to the original track. With a high degree of probability, fans will also watch your version of the song, since they will switch to the video after watching the official video. And if they like your cover, they will subscribe to your channel.

How closely should a cover match the original? It all depends on the genre. If you’re a rapper, it’s wise to leave the original backing track and write appropriate lyrics. This is a great chance to demonstrate your skills (both as a writer and as a performer). If your forte is vocals, keep the original lyrics and arrangement, but add a couple of technical elements to show off all your vocal abilities and strengths.

Tip 3 — Take care of keywords and video SEO optimization

The easiest way to optimize is to use keywords. You can use the autocomplete function in Google and YouTube to find the relevant semantic core for your videos.

Start typing in the box and see suggestions based on popular search phrases. Services that are used in traditional SEO will also help you in selecting keywords: Serpstat, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, etc.

The selected keywords should be embedded in the video title, description and tags. It’s also a good idea to use keywords in hashtags which users can use to search for your content.

Tip 4 — Use streams

Live streaming is a powerful tool for musicians to expand their audience, connect with fans and promote their music. Thanks to them, you can share your creativity with people from all over the world in real time.

Today, any musician can stream their music 24/7. This became possible thanks to special cloud services, such as Gyre, for example.

These tips will help you at the start of your YouTube blogging career. Experiment and win the hearts of your subscribers.
