
MURRAY COOK & LIZZIE MACK Your chance to jam with a Wiggle!

Much loved, “King of Guitars” and OG Red Wiggle, Murray Cook, and his partner in musical crime, Perth-born Lizzie Mack, are in town this weekend and looking to jam with local talent from WA!

The front and centre of The Soul Movers are in town a day before The Wiggles RAC Arena show on Saturday, April 9, to catch up with their friends at Sundown Recording Studios in O’Connor and, more importantly, see what Perth has to offer in the “young raw talent” department.

Lizzie Mack and Murray Cook will be working with local partners, such as WAM and Nannup Musical Festival‘s Emerging Artists Award, to be ready to catch and direct the talent that comes through the door at 5B Marsh Close, O’Connor on Saturday, April 9 from 12-2pm. Lizzie Mack said it was “an experience making music with seasoned artists plus a goal to aim at is incredibly motivating for all musicians, no matter the style or age.”

“We have heard there’s some sizzling young musical talent in these hills” said Murray Cook, “and we’d love to have the chance to hear it with our own ears! In the music industry, there are very limited opportunities for doors to open for younger musicians who are mean and keen, so we like to find them and help whenever we can find a few hours off!”

Both Lizzie Mack and Murray Cook are trained teachers (Early Childhood and High School) involved in other school-based Voices That Matter type programs in Sydney.

The Soul Movers

Sundown Recording Studios in O’Connor is known for its incredible analogue sounds and incredible vintage gear as well as creating a supportive environment for creativity to flow. Equally as passionate as Murray and Lizzie about the golden decades of sound that hallmark the 1960s and 70s, the studio has kindly donated two-hours for this initial opportunity to meet passionate Perth up-and-comings.

This includes Bellevue brothers C & J Rockin’ Music who have exemplified youthful commitment and passion through their Facebook watch shows.

Having recorded their single Not Putting It Down at Sundown Studios late last year, Murray Cook and Lizzie Mack (with friend and much-loved local legend Matthew De La Hunty from Tall Tales & True) plan to “have a jam” on that original song as it’s “simple, groovy and has plenty of room for great solos at the outro.”  The studio also has the stems so they can even re-mix in the session’s new talent. “We can’t wait to get into Sundown on Saturday – it’s gonna be fun no matter what – being in a studio is like being in the art room at school with all the pencil and paint smells if you are a drawing nerd – it’s our happy place!” said Lizzie Mack.

With plenty of hype surrounding The Wiggles reunion tour, plus their Triple J Hottest 100 scoop and their “Re-Wiggled” album just released, it seems an entire new generation just can’t get enough of the OG Wiggles.

Listen to The Soul Movers’ Not Putting it Down here. Join Lizzie Mack and Murray Cook at Sundown Recording Studios, 5B Marsh Close, O’Connor on Saturday, April 9 from 12-2pm. You can learn the song in advance through the video and song chart below.
