
MATT HALE – Comedy Hypnotist


At FRINGE WORLD 2016 one show emerged as a clear runaway hit; selling out five weeks at Noodle Palace. This Fringe favourite returns for 2017 with a sizzling residency season to dish out his brand new show, plus a world first dancefloor experience.

Comedy hypnotist Matt Hale is set for another massive Fringe in 2017. His new show Serving Suggestions runs across a huge season from January 20 to February 19 at the Noodle Palace, Northbridge.

Already nominated for a Fringe World Award in 2017, in addition every Friday and Saturday night at 11.20pm throughout Fringe he’ll be performing the world’s first hypnosis and house music fusion project, The Clubnosis Experience.

Truly a local performer on the world stage, in  the  last  year,  Matt  has  once  again  been  travelling  the  world  with  his  shows,  including  a  successful UK  and  Australian  tour,  and  an  invite  to  perform  “The  Clubnosis  Experience”  in  Las  Vegas  and  the Southbound Festival. He  also  completed  filming  his  first  series  as  a  new  presenter  on Channel  Nine’s Destination  WA.

Serving Suggestions: Soba  Stadium  @  Noodle  Palace -­ Jan  20  to  Feb  19
Central  Institute  of  Technology,  19  Francis  St,  Perth,  WA  6000
Bookings/info:  Ph:  08  9228  1618  / /

The Clubnosis Experience: Laksa  Lounge  @  Noodle  Palace – Fri/Sat Jan 20 to Feb 18
Central  Institute  of  Technology,  19  Francis  St,  Perth,  WA  6000
Bookings/info:  Ph:  08  9228  1618  / /

Head to for more info.
