


Leure, also known as Ash Hendriks of Wolves At The Door, doubles our pleasure by launching not one but two singles at The Bird this Thursday, September 19. Helping bring Hollow and Cloud Step into the world will be Leon Osborn and Mei Saraswati.

What have you been up to lately?

I’ve been writing a fair bit and exploring new sounds but mostly just getting ready to go overseas. I would love to have the luxury of spending all my time writing music, however bills and reality kinda slows that dream a little.

What made Hollow and Cloud Step stand out as potential singles?

I wrote Hollow a while back actually and have sort of kept it dear for the next album or EP and Cloud Step just happened! I have more songs I would love to release but that will have to wait until I’m back.

Where did you record?

I record with myself. Live, I use a Native Instruments machine interface so I produce beats on that, then record vocals through Pro Tools and edit with Ableton. I have so much to learn still – total amateur. Though I have been recording for a number of years now, so I guess by teaching myself I’ve picked up some tricks that work specifically to my sound.

Tell us about your writing process.

I’m both lucky and impatient in a sense, because if a song doesn’t come together within a couple of hours I move on. I might benefit from waiting it out and see what happens. Usually I write a beat, lay vocals down then fill the spaces out.

What are your plans for the future? 

I want to release another album when I’m happy with a collection of songs. I want the next album to show I have grown as a musician and to challenge myself. So much incredible music is coming out through Australia, it’s an incredible opportunity to travel overseas and see what’s out there and represent what we have going on. I’m playing a festival in Vienna called Waves. Its a showcase/conference type deal so I’m just going to try meet as many people as I can and make the most of the opportunity!
