How Touring Musicians Stay Busy On The Road

Everyone has heard stories about the wild rock and roll touring lifestyle, but you will find that this is often not the case for most touring musicians. Touring can be an incredible experience for any kind of musician, but you will find that it is not all sold-out shows and partying into the early hours. There is a lot of downtime during tours, so musicians need to find ways to keep themselves busy and occupied on tour. Additionally, the touring lifestyle can take its toll physically and mentally, so musicians must ensure they look after themselves. Here are a few ways that touring musicians stay busy on the road.

Watching TV & Movies

If you were to ask any touring musician what they do with the majority of their free time on the road, you would find that most will say watching TV and movies. This could be on a tablet or laptop on the tour bus or while relaxing in a hotel room. TV and movies allow relaxing, recharging, and unwinding in between shows, so they are a great way to spend a few hours.

Fitness & Wellness

The touring lifestyle can take its toll, especially as it can be hard to lead a healthy lifestyle on the road. Many touring musicians will find ways to stay fit and active, though, whether this is going out for a run, working out in the hotel gym, or calisthenics workouts. Additionally, activities to improve mental health, such as yoga, meditation, and spending time in nature, are popular with touring musicians.


Touring is a great experience as it gives you the chance to travel and visit new places. While it is not a vacation for musicians, they will still have time to explore when touring. Therefore, many will spend time visiting local attractions, trying different cuisines, and meeting locals.

Online Casino Games

There can be a lot of waiting around as a touring musician, whether this is traveling on the bus, sound checking at the venue, or waiting around before going on stage. Therefore, it is no surprise that activities like online casino games are hugely popular. Online casino games can be quick and easy to play, they can be highly engaging, and you can play on any device anywhere with an internet connection. There are also many different games to play, including blackjack, poker, roulette, and online slot games. There are many online casinos to choose from, so you can compare the best options if you navigate to this web-site.


Many musicians state that they do some of their best songwriting on the road. This is because musicians often have a lot of time together to write new material, plus touring and travel can both be great sources of inspiration when it comes to songwriting.

These are just a few ways that touring musicians will stay busy on the road. It is not all wild parties and late nights (although this does happen!), and it is important that musicians are able to stay busy and look after their physical and mental health on the road.
