How to Generate Buzz for a New Album

Releasing a new album is one thing, but you still need to help it gain traction. You won’t get the best returns from this new compilation if it fails to catch people’s attention no matter how groundbreaking it sounds. It’s for this reason that launching your new album must come with a well-thought-out strategy that gets fans excited.

As you expand your brand, you need to let people know what they’re missing out on. You may have a suite of songs that’s out to dominate your genre but without public support, you will only end up wasting time and money on something that could have fueled further success. When you’re planning to launch a new album, follow this guide and capture your audience’s interest before your new work enters the market.

1. Develop a launch kit

You will need to generate buzz by giving your audience a hint. It’s not as simple as it looks because it requires research and a cohesive strategy. For this reason, you will need to come up with a launch kit. This consists of everything you need to talk about your latest work. It should include a compelling story behind the production of the album and the communication channels you need to announce the launch. Sit down with your publicist and come up with a core message that will catch the attention of your target audience.

2. Talk about it on social media

Think about how famous musical artists like Taylor Swift drop hints about their upcoming albums on their social media accounts. Changing their profile pictures and posting cryptic content will leave some people scratching their heads and others waiting with excitement. Either way, you can elicit reactions and keep your followers engaged. You just have to be consistent in posting follow-up content leading up to the official launch date. The secret is to craft a story that will expose the new album little by little as your audience seeks more clarity.

3. Run an email campaign

If you want to prioritise your most loyal fans opt-in first, consider an email blast. It helps if you can announce your latest product in your weekly newsletter, that is if you have one. You can also use this opportunity to offer discounts and other freebies when they pre-order the album. It’s also a good idea to encourage them to recommend the album to friends and family members for additional benefits such as free shirts, stickers, and tote bags. Not only will this amplify awareness but it also helps you retain followers who have been loyal to you since day one.

4. Start a video series

Aside from these promotional ideas, you can also run a series of promotional videos that include teasers. Not only does it guarantee greater engagement but it also enhances your brand’s credibility, especially if you’re part of an independent label. Just be sure to create authentic video content. You can opt to have a video production company that will provide you with a full suite of services. These may include everything from coming up with content ideas, writing scripts, finding talents, filming, and editing. Make it professional so people will know you’re cooking up a certified earworm.


By crafting the right messages and using the right channels, you can build an audience that’s eager to listen to your new material. You can only watch as your sales numbers exceed initial projections when you finally open the floodgates.
