Dream Rimmy launch their debut EP this Saturday, February 28, at Mojos with help from French Rockets, HYLA, Runner and MUGWUMP. BOB GORDON brings the soap.
The last six months have been off the hook for Dream Rimmy, with a constant gigging schedule and forays into touring and recording.
The next step up comes from the release this week of their debut EP.
“You know them canals down in Mandurah?” says keyboardist, Vinn Buchanan. “We recorded it down there in Ali’s (Flintoff, vocals/guitar) parents’ house whilst they were in Europe. That’s where that photo of us in the bath got taken. I lost my wallet at the local IGA, but apart from that it was fine. TunaFishBrod did all the engineering stuff and I learned how to play keyboard. Jack vomited heaps. Bundaberg Rum is the blurst.”
Good to see all’s in order then. As organised chaos ensued, the intent of the recording wasn’t necessarily to bottle the live essence of Dream Rimmy, but to capture them at a moment in their overall growth.
“It was our first ‘proper’ recording effort so a lot of stuff was off the cuff,” Buchanan notes. “It’s a pretty layered recording, which is cool. I think the style of music we do suits the recording vibe; there’s a lot of room to develop the sound.”
A new EP will only add to the gigging schedule. Along with the band’s extended family – Hideous Sun Demon, Kitchen People, SpaceManAntics and any number likely to form in the next 15 minutes – Dream Rimmy also have an ongoing affinity with Gunns. It’s like… a mutual crush.
“Gunns are the shit, man,” says Buchanan. “Perth produces a lot of good pop, but those guys take the cake hard. In return they steal all our jokes and song titles.”
With good work done, it simply means that there’s more to do. Expect ongoing shenanigai.
“We have half an album written already, so as soon as this is out we’re gonna finish that off,” Buchanan says. “We’ll hopefully gonna record around July. We might be going on tour soon after but that’s top secret. Don’t tell nobody.”