
Dr Errol H Tout

DrErrolHToutThe Post Tumour Humour Album

Since this guitar genius was a staple on the Perth live scene in the late ’80s, Errol H Tout has added a Dr to the start of his name and dispensed with a 2.2kg tumour (and the kidney it was attached to). For someone who uses music as an expression of feelings and life’s moments, his illness and hospital experience gave him plenty of inspiration for a new album.

The Post Tumour Humour Album is a concept record that has a particularly easy story to follow. There may not be as much delay and echo adorning the guitar as during the Tout heyday, but as per usual this is not your typical standard guitar record. The unique sounds of Tout conjure up vivid images whether his instrument is pulling tones that describe pharmaceutical mind-altering on Dreaming Late At Night – Oh The Drugs, or the stuff that is loosely termed a meal during Well – It’s Food So I’ll Eat It.

Tout delivers most of his music online, yet the appreciation of life that he has been gifted from this aggressive medical experience again dragged Tout on the stage for a rare performance. Let’s hope that situations are less stressful and life-altering before we hear from the talented instrumentalist again.


