


Born Under Saturn



Django Django are like that dude at school who’s always really quiet and normal in class, but then you see him at the mall with a way hotter girlfriend than you. You get mad and ask yourself, ‘What does he have that I don’t have?’ The answer is a kick-arse falsetto and musical versatility. Born Under Saturn is another strong showing from the British soundslingers, and it lives up to the standard they set on their eponymous debut. Giant opens the album with Flaming Lips-esque experimentalism, layering piano on top of a walking, blues-lined bass section and pulling us into the most hard-to-define album so far in 2015. Tracks such as Shake And Tremble take us on a mini-surf voyage headed by thick vibrato, while cuts like Found You have a range of ethnic percussion elements from guiro to cabasa.

As with any effective record, there has to be a consistent thread from song to song, and Born Under Saturn is tied together by the boys’ flawless vocal harmonies. Unfortunately, the album is a little fatty – you could chop it down to eight or nine tracks and not lose anything.


