A free community event organised by independent candidate, Michael Tucak, is being held this Monday, March 6 at the grassed area opposite Mojo’s Bar in the North Fremantle Village.
The event entitled Creative. Constructive. Community. will feature live music, creative speakers, food trucks and drinks. Attendees are invited to bring a rug or a chair and to relax on the grass and take advantage of the Monday public holiday vibes. Performing on the day will be Lucy Peach, Timothy Nelson and Stoney Joe. For more details of the event head to the Facebook event page.
Michael Tucak is an Independent Candidate in the Western Australian State election on Saturday, March 11, 2017. He’s running for one of six seats in the Upper House (Legislative Council) seat of “North Metropolitan” (north-west Perth metro).
“I’m an independent, not aligned with any party, running in the Upper House on a platform of a more creative, constructive and community approach to how we grow Perth and WA – planning better for our future. My 10 key policies of how we do this are on my website.”
For more details on Michael’s campaign head to his website www.michaeltucak.com.au or to show your support, like and follow his official Facebook campaign page.