
Chainsaw Hookers

Chainsaw Hookers
Chainsaw Hookers

The New Husseins/Creature


Friday, May 2, 2014

Opening tonight’s showcase at YaYa’s were Creature. They are a modern punk rock outfit that incorporate a mix of punker-inspired blends to deliver a sonically and musically varied songlist. Creature delivered a tight and punchy performance that was appreciated by the amassed crowd and they marked the standard of music on offer for tonight’s billing.

Second up were The New Husseins. Quite simply, this band tore up the stage with their brand of supercharged punk rock. Oddly enough, tonight was their first performance together this year and contrary to what you’d expect from any group returning from a six month hiatus. The New Husseins ripped through their set like a well oiled machine and, from the crowd’s perspective at least, their 40 minutes should have been a lot more. No one in the audience could ignore this band; songs like Damaged Goods, Went On The Piss And Lost My Mind, Take Out The Trash, Walk The Plank, Door To Door and No Surrender were no mucking around, three minute punker powerhouses. Their showmanship, the witty banter and a strong musical backbone make this band, in my opinion, one of Perth’s must see acts… if only they would gig more often!

Top billing tonight were Chainsaw Hookers, who thundered through the set with their brand of roaring high octane fuelled heavy rock. There’s nothing subtle when this band revs, without a doubt something the band takes great pride in. It’s bone crushing rock with attitude to say the least, heavy laden desert rock inspired riffage with snarling vocals that rip through the mix. With a forged following at tonight’s gig, their legion were pillaged by the likes of Jaws, Never Sleep, Blood Moon, Death Proof, Texas, Lost Boys and Death Curse. Chainsaw Hookers’ raw and slick performance certainly sated the crowd’s burgeoned appetite for all things that rock, in its truest sense of course.

