Win! Longlegs movie tickets

Being hailed as the most terrifying film of 2024, Longlegs tells the story of FBI Agent Lee Harker who is assigned to an unsolved serial killer case that takes an unexpected turn, revealing evidence of the occult. Harker discovers a personal connection to the killer and must stop him before he strikes again.

We are stoked to have ten in-season double passes to give away to Longlegs, in cinemas Thursday, July 18.

To WIN email us here at [email protected] with Longlegs in the subject line, with your postal address and phone number in the copy, then tag the mate you will take in the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!

Please note this is an R-rated movie. Competition closes Wednesday, July 17 at 5pm. You must be a WA resident, over 18 years old, and be able to attend the event.
