Win! Twisters movie tickets

This July, the epic studio disaster movie returns with an adrenaline-pumping, seat-gripping, big-screen thrill ride that puts you in direct contact with one of nature’s most wondrous—and destructive—forces.

Daisy Edgar-Jones stars as Kate Cooper, a former storm chaser haunted by a devastating encounter with a tornado during her college years who now studies storm patterns on screens safely in New York City. She is lured back to the open plains by her friend, Javi (Anthony Ramos), to test a groundbreaking new tracking system. There, she crosses paths with Tyler Owens (Glen Powell), the charming and reckless social media superstar who thrives on posting his storm-chasing adventures with his raucous crew; the more dangerous, the better.

As storm season intensifies, terrifying phenomena never seen before are unleashed, and Kate, Tyler, and their competing teams find themselves squarely in the paths of multiple storm systems converging over central Oklahoma in the fight of their lives.

We are blown away to have ten in season double passes to give away to Twisters, in cinemas Thursday, July 11.

To WIN email us here at [email protected] with Twisters in the subject line, with your postal address and phone number in the copy, then tag the mate you will take in the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!

Competition closes Wednesday, July 10 at 5pm. You must be a WA resident and be able to attend the event.
