Win! VaudeVillains Fringe World tickets
Sick of being painted “the bad guys” the shadows come alive and beckon you to come and play. Entwine, be seduced, and unravel the TRUTH of their stories. VaudeVillains examines the portrayal of villain and villainess characters through the ages linked to our cultures, our stories, and humanity.
Witness as we tear away the stigma, the shame, the preconceived notions, and often misunderstood portrayals of those being “Villainized” …and decide for yourself—are they evil or just misjudged?
We’re stoked to have a VIP cabaret table for three to give away to VaudeVillains, showing at Air Nightclub from Saturday, January 27.
To WIN, email us here at [email protected] with VaudeVillains in the subject line and your address and phone number in the email copy. Then when the competition is posted on Facebook, tell us “Who is your favourite villain?” And are they a villain or do you feel they are misunderstood?” on the post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!
Competition closes Wednesday, January 24 at 3pm. You must be a WA resident and able to attend the event.