Win! Trap movie tickets

Trap is an upcoming American psychological thriller film. Inspired in part by Operation Flagship a sting operation in which disguised law enforcement arrested 101 wanted fugitives at a convention centre, having invited them under the pretence of gifting them free NFL tickets.

Trap stars Josh Hartnett as Cooper, a serial killer, dubbed ‘The Butcher’, who joins his daughter at a concert for pop star Lady Raven, an event he realises is a trap set by police to catch him.

We are excited to have five in-season double passes to give away to Trap, in cinemas Thursday, August 1.

To WIN email us here at [email protected] with Trap in the subject line, with your postal address and phone number in the copy, then tag the mate you will take in the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!

 Competition closes Wednesday, July 31 at 5pm. You must be a WA resident and be able to attend the event.
