Win! Kneecap movie tickets

Direct from Sundance and Sydney Film Festival, Rich Peppiatt‘s raucous, rude, and riotously entertaining comedy stars three real-life Belfast rappers as themselves—and Michael Fassbender.

A powerfully political comedy-drama about the survival of the Irish language is something of a miracle movie. Where else in the world could the legacy of trauma produce such hilarity and crowd-pleasing entertainment?

Liam Óg Ó hAnnaidh and Naoise Ó Cairealláin play themselves wonderfully in the origin story of their Belfast rap group Kneecap as staunch patriots who speak Irish as an act of cultural maintenance and in defiance of British imperialism.

What follows is a rowdy and cheerfully rude showbiz story following the trio through drug-hazed nights and clear-eyed days as their music begins to impact the broader community while inevitably angering authorities.

Subversive, sexy, unfiltered, and with a significant supporting role for Michael Fassbender, this freewheeling and finger-flipping music biopic hits all the right notes.

We are delighted to have ten double passes to a special media screening of Kneecap on Saturday, August 17 at 11am at Luna Leederville.

To WIN email us here at with Kneecap in the subject line, with your postal address and phone number in the copy, then tag the mate you will take in the Facebook post. Don’t forget to like the X-Press Facebook page and sign up to the newsletter to be in the running!

Competition closes Thursday, August 15 at 5pm. You must be a WA resident and be able to attend the event.
