
CITY CALM DOWN What’s on your Television?

Photo by Sam Wong

Capping off their time in the UK and Europe, City Calm Down will be bringing their Television Tour back to Australia, hitting The Rosemount on Sunday, October 19. Supported by special guest Flossy, the tour comes in support of their new album Television, out Friday, August 23.

To tide fans over until October, City Calm Down have released Television‘s third track, Flight. Singer Jack Bourke describes the track as “tap[ping] into themes I’ve explored on previous City Calm Down records – social media consumption and developing an opinion in an echo chamber – but it’s more scathing and cynical”.

Check it out below.

Flight is out now. Television is out Friday, August 23. City Calm Down will play The Rosemount on Sunday, October 19. Tickets on sale Friday, July 12 through the CCD website
