
6 Health Habits That Are Worth Adopting In 2022

The New Year is the perfect time to make resolutions that will lead to lifestyle, work and family benefits and improvements. The trouble is, many of these resolutions never stick.

The key is to make your resolutions achievable and small things can lead to big outcomes if you stick to them long-term. Here are six simple habits you can adopt in 2022 that will make a world of difference to your health.

Adopt better health habits at work

There are a range of things you can do to shake off your sedentary lifestyle if you work an office job – even if you are working from home. 

For example, instead of sitting in a chair all day long, why not buy a standing desk? Not only will you burn calories by standing, but it is going to make you more likely to go for short walks during the day because you are already standing.

Take the stairs instead of the lift, get off your train a stop early and walk the rest of the way, take a light stroll to a nearby park to have your lunch – every little bit of activity adds up.

Develop better sleep habits

Up to 45 per cent of all Australians are getting inadequate sleep which impacts their daytime activities, work and lifestyle.

The effects of a poor night’s rest can include more than just daytime fatigue, it can lead to a range of health issues including high blood pressure, obesity, depression, lower immunity and even your physical appearance. Long-term sleep deprivation can even lead to major health problems like heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

How much sleep do you need every night to be healthy? A National Sleep Foundation report revealed that you need this many hours for your age:

  • 0-3 months: 14-17 hours
  • 4-11 months: 12-15 hours
  • 1-2 years: 11-14 hours
  • 3-5 years: 10-13 hours
  • 6-13 years: 9-11 hours
  • 14-17 years: 8-10 hours
  • 18-25 years: 7-9 hours
  • 26-64: 7-9 hours
  • 65 plus: 7-8 hours

There are some simple things you can do in order to get a better night’s sleep. Put the technology away and try not to fall asleep watching television. Naps are good, but limit them to 15 minutes so you don’t slip into a deeper sleep. Don’t nap in the late afternoon or evening, do something stimulating like walking the dog instead to wake you up. 

Increase the amount of water you drink

In terms of achievable New Year’s resolutions, they don’t get much easier than this. Just try and increase your water intake by one extra glass per day and you will notice enormous differences.

Up to 60 per cent of our body is made of water, which is why staying hydrated is so important. Besides warding off headaches and dehydration, adding more water to your diet will help regulate your body temperature, relieve joint pain, improve digestion and give you an overall better sense of wellbeing.

Be accountable for your weight

Weight crawl impacts a lot of people as they age and before they know it they have packed on 20 extra kilograms. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time and use the same scales. This will help alert you to weight crawl and inspire you to think twice about what you eat and how much physical activity you do that week.

Get outside more

COVID lockdowns have meant that people have become more accustomed to staying inside. This is not good for your health and wellbeing, making the New Year the perfect time to break the habit of staying indoors for the majority of the time. 

Humans have relied on nature for their entire existence, so make the effort to get outside and take a walk, go hiking, meet friends, have a picnic – any reason you can think of.

Simplify your eating habits

Many people are confused over what foods are healthy and which ones are not. There is so much conflicting information that it can be simple to just give up and eat whatever. There is one simple rule when it comes to eating healthy, though – eat natural food. Focus on single-ingredient foods that are natural and you will improve your diet instantly. This includes things like lean meat, fruit, vegetables, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds.

